#1 Student Favorite Anti-Bullying and Positive Motivational Assembly touring America
A high energy and student engaging presentation that talks about the dangers of bullying and how to avoid them. The program is rich in dynamic content about character ed development, respecting other students and staff and being a "light" of good in the school.

Magic With A Message
"Our students can be rough at times and I was overly impressed with how well Mr. Hill kept all the students engaged and spoke to them in a way that they were listening . I've never seen the students that quiet during an assembly."
Principal, Edison Middle School

Key Talking Points Covered
Making The Best Choice
Not Being Afraid To Come to School
Dangers of Older Kids Offering Illegal Products
How Does Bullying Start
How To Help Stop It
Why The Teachers and Admin Cares About You As A Student
Cyber-Bullying And It Is Real
Being A Light To Someone Else
For Upper Middle School & High School (all the above plus)..
Not Getting Distracted
Goal Setting
Not Being Afraid to Fail OR Succeed
How To Outwork Everyone
Remembering You Are A Winner
"Mr. Hill was on-time, he was easy to work with, he had all of his paperwork with the district office squared away and handled, and he rocked out students. The positive energy flowed with our kids for weeks after he left."
Head Principal, George Washington High School
Benefits of Booking Dewayne?
Anti-bullying Program will educate and enrich your students (fulfills curriculum requirements)
NO EXTRA COST for multiple shows at the same school to accommodate large numbers and crowd control. (First session in the AM, no extra cost for After Lunch sessions)
· No need for parent volunteers to help watch students
· Dewayne has 10 years of classroom experience
· No subs are needed to coverage or cover students that do not attend.
· No special bus request or paperwork to fill out for the district
· No extra special set for custodian (Dewayne has a super self contained set-up)
· No collecting and gathering of permission slips
· Dewayne has had a level 3 background/FBI check and be cleared and fingerprinted!
"Principals and Counselors - this is a chance you can get your message heard to the group of students with a different voice. Sometimes we hear the message different OR we actually hear the message when it is a NEW voice"
Dewayne Hill, Founder of Magic With A Message
Dewayne develops programs to help stop bullying…
In March of 2002, Dewayne started entering the classroom as a teacher and Autistic Mentor. During this time he saw the troubles of bullying and started developing a new show for school systems called “Magic with a Message”. This show combined comedy, magic and audience interaction with a series of points illustrated about the dangers of bullying and drug use. Now Dewayne presents this program to thousands of students across the United States every year.
Becomes a World Record Holder in card tricks…
In April of 2007, Dewayne Hill set a World Record by performing the most card tricks (71) in a single hour. The feat created an exciting buzz among card handlers and magic lovers.

Appearing on America's Got Talent and Declining a repeat appearance...
In Spring on 2009, Executive Producers of the Television Show America’s Got Talent, called Dewayne and asked him to attend the Miami auditions. After a few performances and screenings the producers said they were “Looking for bigger illusion type performances”. In 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 the producers asked Dewayne to re-audition, but Dewayne continues to decline to re-audition and perform because of his current Television show he produces. Producers of the show made another request for the 2018 airing but Dewayne was on location shooting his show "Hidden Magic"
Time Saver #1 - Fast Paperwork
Dewayne and his booking manager has all the forms and paperwork completed for your bookkeeper and accounting.
Money Saver #1
Dewayne has a corporate sponsor that off-sets the flight and rental car.
Time Saver #2
Dewayne supplies you with promo materials. You don't have to design and wait on rough drafts.
Money Saver #2
Dewayne gives you complimentary workshop choice.
Money Saver #3
Dewayne will perform complimentary strolling session of magic if you have a cocktail or welcome reception.
Time Saver #3
You have direct access to talk and schedule with Dewayne and his tour calendar, no middle men or agents to confused the message, questions or vision you have about your event.
Time Saver #3
Dewayne gives you complimentary Event Planning Sessions and NOW we offer event sourcing to save you time! We will help you find DJ's, Photographers and Venues at no cost!
Over 20 years of Stage Rocking & Crowd pleasing experience!